Friday, March 03, 2006

The Expanding Jesus - The "First Jesus"

The first Jesus that I remember was in a series of illustrated books that showed Jesus surrounded by children. He was caucasian, as were most of the children, and had a very loving, welcoming look on his face. I honestly don't remember talking a lot about Jesus in my house as a child except for the occasional Bible story. I know that my Granny loved Jesus though. She thanked him for the day every night before bed.

My parents were Lutheran, so I guess I was a one by association. We went to a Lutheran church anyway. It was boring. I remember the pastor being a nice guy. But I didn'’t really understand the rituals. I remember learning the books of the Bible in Sunday school and laughing every time we said "“Flip-ians"” as I pictured a whole town of people doing backflips together!

Most of my youth was lost in a haze of various sinful activities, and for the most part, so was Jesus. Though I remember this subtle feeling that there was a spiritual "“presence"” in my life that caused me guilt about my lifestyle. I wound up in a treatment center my freshman year of high school, and when I returned my mom and dad REALLY wanted me to go to church. I went, long hair and all. No one even shook my hand after church. Jesus was bullshit.

I spent quite a few years doing and seeking "“spiritual things"” but avoiding Jesus at all cost. No, I was not just avoiding Him. I was hostile. My interaction with "“God'’s people"” showed me that it was all B.S. and I didn'’t want to hear it.

Skip ahead. (Yea, a lot went on during this time, but it's another story.) About twelve years later we walked into a church for the first time. We met a great group of people that has forever touched our lives in positive ways. This is where I met the Conservative-Protestant Jesus.

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