Thursday, October 09, 2008

Silence and Death

Sorry about the silence lately. I've started a new job on second shift and I'm trying to get adjusted. I've got lots going on, but not much time to share at the moment.

I was hired because the person on my shift was out on leave for six months. I could get the hint that it was a serious medical condition, but they really couldn't tell me what was going on. It turns out that he has terminal cancer and it's aggressive. He is the nicest gentleman, which has made what could have been an awkward situation be a blessing for both of us. He is also a man of strong Christian faith.

We have had the opportunity to talk about one of the deepest subjects there is: death. We've had the opportunity to share our beliefs, doubts and curiosities about the subject. And share a few tears. I consider it a privledge to be there at this time.

It's interesting how all of the things I've been learning fit this situation: non-judgment, awareness, suffering and freedom. I've used them all, or maybe they have used me.

It's interesting to be aware of my emotions when death is discussed. There used to be fear. Now it is more like a calm resolution. Why fight it? It will happen. I don't know exactly what waits after death. But based on the beauty, diversity and complexity of our bodies, the world, the universe....I believe it will be pretty cool.

So, for now....silence until my next post.

1 comment:

steve s said...

Shift work is something I understand... 7pm-7am... has its drawbacks but also its pluses. Hope the new job goes well.