Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dying Well

Sometime ago I posted about my coworker who has terminal cancer. He seems to be deteriorating and his latest scan confirmed it. We had a tearful chat this evening.

So, here is my question:

How does one help someone "die well"?


Bob said...

I was listening to a story on NPR a couple of weeks ago about dying and the medical field. The thrust of the story was the idea that medical care has become a "preventative for death". There is always another course of action to be taken medically--more and more radical as time goes on--that people never have time to think about when enough is enough.

They talked to a terminal patient who had gone through discussion of what would be "enough" and he made the comment of how freeing it was. To know how it would end freed him up to enjoy what he had right now.

You could probably look through the archives to find it. It was pretty interesting.

MaryAnn Mease said...

have a friend here that got told her daddy has his exit ticket...anytime now.

Roger said...


That is exactly what we talked about. Every moment, every person, everything is precious whether we are conscious of it or not. I think the trick is awareness.

I'm sure there is a little anxiety about the "unknown", probably the most painful thing is leaving behind those he loves.

He said he was going to start eating hamburgers everyday without guilt and I bought him a fat, icing slathered cinnamon roll which I know he likes. May as well party it up...

Roger said...


Sorry to hear about your friend. I have no doubt you will be good support!

Roger said...

I think this is a spiritual question where the "rubber meets the road". I look forward to some concrete suggestions if anyone has them.