Monday, September 13, 2004

My sweet daughter Abbie turned 9 years-old yesterday! My, how 9-years flies! The most beautiful days of my life were being able to participate in the birth of my kids! I got to catch Abbie and Hannah coming out of Trish because we had them at a birth center. What priviledge! It seems just like yesterday!

We had a party for her Saturday. A small party with our family and three of her friends. I am so grateful for the friends she has this year. Everyone of them is sweeter than the next. It was so fun to watch them play "freeze dance" and pop balloons by sitting on them, to hear their giggles... It was so great to get her a guitar this year! She has been wanting to play for sometime now....

I love Abbie! She is growing up to be such an awesome kid! Sweet, sensitive, creative, loving... I am reminded to take advantage of the time we have to build relationships, both with our children and each other. Time is a commodity that is so precious! Once it is gone you can't get it back...

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