Friday, April 29, 2005


I weep for some people today.

We have a church in our town that has a history of power struggles and church splits etc. I heard a few weeks ago that the youth pastor, who had been there for over 15 years, was leaving without knowing what he was going to do next. I thought, "Hmmm, God must be doing something in him." So we had lunch, and I found out he was going to start a new church. I was kind of disappointed really. I was hoping that God was showing him the answers don't lay in how we do church, as much as how we are the church. But, God is showing him some things none-the-less. . .

So, the next Sunday my daughter was asked to go to this AWANA thing by one of her friends. We let her go and she really enjoyed it. She is a Martha, so busyness is next to godliness for her. . .yes, we are teaching her otherwise. It also happened to be the second week that this new church met. We found out that the "elders" of this church were waiting at the door and asking the AWANA teachers if they had attended the "new church". If they said yes, they were immediately told to get their things and leave, they were "anti-Our Church". Now, these teachers have taught these classes all year and were not even allowed to say goodbye to the kids. Not to mention that some of these people have had relationships in the church for years.

How sad it is when loyalty for an organization is given more weight than relationships and love. My heart grieves for those hurt, and for those who are causing the hurt. My heart grieves for those who left to start the new church, and for those who remain at the old church. I wonder if either will find the freedom they search for?

My heart also grieves for a mother of friend of ours. They have been life-long Lutherans. Which means, in my experience anyway, that they don't know much about the Bible. Anyway, they went to a Amazing Facts conference. This guy is some scary shit! I checked out some teaching and his view of Law and Grace is so technical and convoluted I didn't know how to follow it. He has an answer for everything, which immediately raises my suspicion.

The sad part is that through his legalistic teaching, he has this family so scared they are going to hell for having church on Sunday instead of Saturday, that they are freaking out. This is their first exposure to the Bible really, and our friend is really concerned for their wellbeing, but she doesn't know how to help them either. It is so sad when people are manipulated by fear-based teaching: "Get it right, or go to hell!" I am glad that I know a God that is much more gentle than some of his supposed "teachers" are. . . Hopefully, we will have a chance to talk to them. We did send some other teachings on Law and Grace that they can read together.

But my heart still grieves for those manipulated by legalists. . .

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