Sunday, October 09, 2005

This is our first Sunday not being part of an institutional church in about 12 years. I didn't miss is it this weekend.... We had a time of reading the OT and Psalms as a family, sang a song or two and chilled out on the couch and enjoyed each other. We had a nice bonfire on Friday night with some good friends....gotta like that....something about friends, fire and a few beers that I really enjoy.... We continue to pray for God to put people into our life that want to journey with us.... We will be having biscuits and gravy "church" at our house in the near future.

Been reading N.T. Wright's "Challenge of Jesus". Really challenges me in putting Jesus in a historical context rather than viewing him as a "supernatural" being that floated his way through life. I'm sure I'll have some more to say at a later time about that....

My job as a teacher's asst. continues to be interesting. I pray for my kids a public school even....they don't know it though.....that wouldn't be "legal". My heart breaks for some of these kids. The home life they must have that causes them to act out like they do.... sigh....heartbreak....prayer....

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