Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Midwest Camping Experiment

Reality Show Update:

Can three families whose only contact has been on the internet camp together for a weekend? Will their kids get along? Will they be able to share food and water? Will they be able to share the life of Christ without devolving into petty theological arguements? Will they be able to endure a three mile wilderness hike with meager provisions, little water, and nine whiney children? Stay tuned. . .

The answer to all these questions was a resounding YES! Last weekend we camped with Bob and Amy, and Matt and Amy and their children. Some people might think we were crazy for camping with people we met on the internet. Of course they could have been axe murders, but I can verify that there were hatchets available, and yet, we all came back alive. Physically and spiritually.

It didn't cease to amaze me the whole weekend how easily and effortlessly our children connected. They played like they have known each other for years! It reminded me of a family get-togethers as a kid, which my kids don't get to enjoy due to family strangeness. It was cool to see them share, and mostly get through their small disagreements on their own. My kids couldn't stop talking about the fun they had on the way home!

I think that sense of immediate connection was shared among the adults too. We shared food and spiritual journeys around the campfire. We shared carrying each others children on our wilderness adventure. (Note to self: Never do a three mile hike with children under 8.) We shared songs. From my point of view it just felt "right".

I am reminded how important it is to spend time with others in the family of God. We all have different expriences that shape our theology, ecclesiology and worldview, and I am reminded how much I need my theology, ecclesiology and worldview shaped by others.

It never ceases to amaze me how God connects His people. It was great to have a family outing and we can't wait for the next one.

I would say our "reality show" was a success....

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