Sunday, December 04, 2005

The News - One Foot In Front Of The Other

Christmas time is approaching....

I like Christmas. I don't care what consumerism and capitalism have done to it. I like giving and receiving gifts. Guess I'm not spiritual enough to just like giving. Sorry. But have you thought about our role in our relationship with God? He is the giver....we are the receivers. I have a lot to learn about receiving.

In other news.
"Conservative Christians" are going to bat for Christ by putting the "Christ" back in Christmas! I'm glad someone fights the battles that matter. (Insert sarcasm here)

In personal news.
We are coming closer to some decisions about our future. Trish and I both want to finish our degrees. I'm basically an idiot. I have spent most of my life not knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up. I started out as a psychology major. Switched to music. Then compromised for a degree in Organizational Leadership because I could get it done quickly. Funny thing is I am going back to where I started and persuing a degree in Social Work.

Updates to come...

P.S. Thanks for all the moral and spiritual support!

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