Monday, January 30, 2006

The Personal Scoop

If you have followed the exploits, thoughts, ramblings and rantings on this blog for anytime, you know that we have been on a journey. We haven't always knows where that journey was going, still don't, but it has always been toward the Father, with His Son, in the Spirit.

We have been outside of institutional forms of church for about 3-4 months. I've lost track really. I can say without equivocation that it has been the best thing we could have done. The anger over the things I've experienced, and haven't experienced in organized forms of religion has subsided. It has been replaced by a passion to know Christ more fully. Religious things just don't seem to matter in light of Bridegroom who passionately loves me. This journey has consistently become less about how I express my relationship with God and more about the relationship with God. It has become about learning to live loved instead of trying fabricate love I didn't really have. By doing that Jesus is renewing my heart, breathing fresh air into clay, and making dry bones dance. Now, please don't get me wrong. We still desire and pray for some people in our area that are like-minded to just ask God, "What do you want to do in this little town that would bless others?" will be in His time.... I'm willing to wait.

In further news....the Blues suck. They have officially thrown away the rest of the season. They make it hard to be a hockey fan.

Trish took a new job. She will rock it! She is smart and beautiful! The total package!

Wayne Jacobsen is coming to the St. Louis area in a couple weeks. If you are in the area don't miss time to hang out with an awesome brother! More details to come...

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