Friday, December 12, 2008

Death Wish

Awhile back I was walking with my daughter in the park behind our house. I live in the 'burbs and having a little oasis so close is nice. Anyway, it was a beautiful morning at a place I visit often when I want to get "centered". We were silent, just observing and I said, " You know, when I die why don't you scatter my ashes here." She thought I was being morbid, as most people do when you discuss death, but I assured her that someday I would die. It's not a big deal. Whatever is born, must die.

What is your death wish? Does it matter to you how your remains are disposed of?

Here is a quote and a song that describes my feelings:

"Everything in nature gives in its death; stars die and whole solar systems begin to evolve from the impregnation of the exploded stellar matter. Trees die, and from their wood human beings build homes and furniture, statues and Stradivariuses. If humans died in a healthy culture, they would not lock out the earth in metal coffins and carve their names on stone monuments, but would instead place the naked body in the earth and plant a tree above the silent heart."

-William Irwin Thompson


Unknown said...

I'd like a few good friends to make funeral pyre on the cliffs up above our house, hike back down the trail to the house and have a big party for all my other friends.


Mama T said...

Rog and I have talked about this and my wishes are simple. Have a party and scatter my ashes somewhere beautiful.

Last week at my Grandma's funeral, that's what we did. We celebrated and laughed. There were tears, but mainly for ourselves. She would have enjoyed herself.. That's what I want too..

Death is part of life and to accept that fact gives a whole new meaning to freedom....

Unknown said...

I'm gonna be a glaze for something if I go first. Matt and I talked about it long ago.

Roger said...

You better be nice to Homebrewer. You could wind up a bedpan....

Unknown said...

Whew! Tears in my eyes. Matt says by the time it happens he hopes he's so old that's the piece of pottery (potty) he needs most.

Anonymous said...

I want my ashes taken to The Outer Banks of North Carolina and cast into the wind to become part of the sands in the beautiful part of the country.

Happy Holidays Roger. Tell Trish I said hello and may the New Year bring you all of your desires and hopes to fulfilment.
