Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A clear sign of a broken government.

Politicians need to get some balls and say "No!" to earmarks.

I admit it. I am still a registered Republican from my "less conservative" days. I am unregistering. I received a fund raising "questionnaire" from John Cornyn that read like a Republican talking points bulletin from the 1990s. The same issues, the same stands. Same B.S. Then I watched a couple minutes of the hearings with Geithner today and the Democrats did nothing but blame Republicans and sit atop there platform and propose versions of class warfare.

Politicians just don't get it. Our nations problems are to complex for either party to deal with. They are to intertwined with special interests and to interested in getting earmarks regardless of greater needs. We need another way. I hoped Obama would be the impetus, but it's not looking good....


Unknown said...

Sure wish we could set mandatory jail time for everyone who takes even a free lunch from a lobbyist or special interest group. No more campaign contributions, nothing.

steve s said...

Headline I read: Bond (Kit) refuses money that would create 69,000 jobs in Missouri". I say good for him...

But earmarks are what get the politicians re-elected by thier states. So they all get what they can from all the taxes that come in. Until voters across the country put the national interest ahead of the local interests it won't change. The guy who stands on his principles and refuses tax dollars to help is own people while others get money for projects is not usually going to be re-elected.

So do people get the type of leaders they deserve?

Unknown said...

Kit doesn't plan to run again, so it won't affect him. I expect that unless we see the economy turn around or people get quickly hooked on handouts, we will see a big change in congress in two years.

Roger said...

Steve, that's why I say the government is broken. Our politicians are steeped in a throw-away consumer society just like we are, and they do politics accordingly.

Matt, enough people are already either hooked on handouts, or at least believe the government owes them something, to allow us to slide into a form of social democracy. I don't think we are to far from it now, which may not be all bad, but we'll see....I think we may just be postponing the inevitable collapse of radical consumerism in our country.

Kent said...

It's all madness.

I agree with a friend of mine that I heard say this last week:

"No one in Washington DC has a conscience the size of a BB."

Roger said...

Now they are voting themselves an 11% budget increase....I hope we, as a nation, wake up soon....

Unknown said...

8-9,000 earmarks. GRRR...

Unknown said...

Omnibus - McCaskill the democrat voted against it. Bond the Republican voted for it because he had more earmarks in it than almost anyone else.