Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Judgments

I'm out of the news loop, so I'm just hearing about Susan Boyle. If you have not watch this. Isn't it interesting that people in the audience had tears in their eyes and were genuinely moved? Perhaps we are unaware of the constant state of judging that we live in.

How many times have I missed the "beautiful song" because of my initial judgment?


MaryAnn Mease said...

first thoughts were...they are going to want to do a "makeover" for her. So happy to hear her latest remarks that she will NOT do a makeover.."why should i?" good for her!

Unknown said...

I watched an interview on CNN and all they asked her was about makeovers and how she felt about looking the way she did on stage etc. I was disgusted.

Roger said...

Isn't it a shame when we think that physical appearance is such a big deal, and I don't let myself off the hook here either.

I took Bub to a Pokemon class and the guy that helped us was a young obese person. Very nice guy that just wanted to help someone with the knowledge he had. I think thats something we all want regardless of physical appearance.