Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Hannah woke up early today and she climbed in bed with me while mom got ready for work. We had a good talk about spiritual things. Hannah is an active, concrete thinker. Spiritual things don't hit her radar very often, but today I shared with her the spiritual battle we are in. How the Enemy drops a thought in our mind. How our sinful nature takes that thought and runs with it. How Jesus sacrificed himself and made us new creations. How God has given us the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth and give us power to make good choices.

I asked her what lies the Enemy tells her and she said, "He wants me to lie." She is right about that. I watch her as she tells a lie and I see her countenance fall. She knows that she is letting God and her parents down.

Hannah also has a great heart! I told her that God has something special planned for her and asked her if she knew what it was. She said, "God wants me to feed the children." Believe me, if anybody can make that happen, it will be Hannah!

Like Hannah, I am learning to listen to my heart. Hear the Spirit whisper. Discern the lies of the Enemy. Walk in the Spirit as opposed to the sinful nature. All in the realization that I am loved with an everlasting love.

Mat 18:1-5 (The Message)
At about the same time, the disciples came to Jesus asking, "Who gets the highest rank in God's kingdom?" For an answer Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, "I'm telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you're not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God's kingdom. What's more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it's the same as receiving me.

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