Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Reality Check

I've been accused of focusing to much on the problems and the negative of my institutional church experiences. I'll try to share some of our direction from a positive point of view...

We really desire to have fellowship with a small group of people who desire to see the reality of the Kingdom expressed in our little town. We desire to let God use us in the context of a community to do "mission" (helping people in real ways as part of Kingdom come). We desire to have a couple of close friends who "get" our desires. We desire to be part of a group of people who share and teach each other, in dialogue, the truths they are learning. We desire a community based on deepening relationships with God and each other, rather than a specific meeting time.

The reality is that we've tried. It ain't happening.

I've also been accused of being depressed lately. I don't think I am, but I do know that I don't feel like we are experiencing any of the things I've listed. . . and to be honest, I've given up trying.

Reality Check:

I'm an idealist and a romantic.
I'm a self-centered ass.
I'm a dreamer.
I'm a terrible housekeeper.
I'm an introvert by nature.
I'm never satisfied.
I can the negative side of anything.

Want to be in community with me?

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