Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The End of the World...Tomorrow?

They fire this thing up tomorrow....they could end the world, or find the fingerprint of God. Either way it's all good.


MaryAnn Mease said...

from what little i read on this...they fire this up and run the little protons in one direction for a month...then switch it and run them the other way for a while...AND THEN is when they find out what REALLY will happen when they fire them in BOTH directions and they collide. That is where it could all go BANG! and we all end up as dust again....or they find out that God exists.
so...enjoy the next few months and get that Peace with God thing worked out. (just in case)

Unknown said...

I read that it will take quite a while to cool it to the point where the operation is possible. It will be interesting to see if they find anything. I bet that they find they wasted a TON of money.
