Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Election Day Prediction

Like you really care...

I predict that no matter who gets elected, the supporters will be sorely disappointed in a couple of years.

We had a little college girl come to our door to try to persuade me to vote for Obama. I politely let her know that my leanings were toward smaller government, less taxes and more freedom and she quickly ran away....

I have no illusion that politics is a solution to the core issues of our problems as a nation. Americas problems are greed, aversion and delusion and will only begin to be addressed when a large number of individuals begin to see themselves, their families, their communities, their state, their country and the world from an enlightened perspective.

Now I'm going outside to enjoy a cigar and the fall colors and know that no matter who gets elected, or what happens in our country, I am free.


steve s said...

"I predict that no matter who gets elected, the supporters will be sorely disappointed in a couple of years"- I agree. I just hope that there's a large enough margin of vicory that there will be a more peaceful transtion than in 2000. Otherwise I dread the thought of hearing 4 years of hearing, "we were robbed", "it isn't fair". Ugh.

steve s said...

Oh, and enjoy the fall colors. I think that I am going to go to a state park and do some hikning in the woods... away from any news source for a while... then go get a beer and rent a movie.

Me said...

I totally agree with just about everything you say here. Political corruption goes hand in hand with any political system. I honestly believe that no matter which way it went, it wouldn't have mattered. All politicians are the same and true change will only come through people's hearts, not through politics.