Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finding Common Ground

Whatever your religion it seems there are some similar spiritual experiences and conclusions that exist across religions and geographical boundaries. When there are a few items that the most advanced forms of religion agree on across the world, it's worth checking out. Perhaps these are spiritual currents that exist in the universe, or just our world? It seems to imply that we are hardwired for for these spiritual realities.

I'd like to throw a short list of ideas that these traditions seem to agree upon. This list is certainly partial, but I'd love to use them to get the conversation started (taken from Integral Life Practice).

1. Spirit, by whatever name exists, and it is good, true, beautiful and loving.

2. Spirit, although existing "out there," is also found "in here", or revealed within to the open heart and mind

3. Most of us don't realize this Spirit within because we are living in seperation, sin, or duality - that is, we are living in an illusory, fallen, or fragmented state.

4. There is a way out of this separated state (of illusion, separation, sin or disharmony); there is a path to our liberation.

5. If we follow this path to its conclusion, the result is an awakening, a rebirth, salvation, or enlightenment, a direct experience of union with Spirit both within and without (and neither), a supreme liberation.

6. This supreme liberation marks the dissolution or transcendence of illusion, sin, and/or suffering, and manifests in care and courage, service, social action, mercy, and compassion on behalf of the whole sentient Kosmos.

A few of my thoughts:

So, does list include your particular religious belief? If these spiritual patterns exist among all spiritual traditions, does it suggest something deeper going on? Could a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist generally agree on this list? It seems there would be no way around leaving behind the belief that one's religion is the ONLY true path if this list is accurate.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


Karl Higley said...

Hi Roger --

I've been thinking about this issue too. I wrote some blog posts about it a while back, that you might find relevant:

The Utility of "Spirits Exists"Integrally Interpreting SpiritualityAn Alternate Possible InterpretationIn particular, the notion that we may be hardwired for spirituality strikes a chord with some of the ideas I cooked up.


Ink Flinger said...

I like your list (and your conclusions); and, yes, I think my beliefs are included in there somewhere. I think within these points you can find a panentheistic form of Christianity's four spiritual laws and Buddhism's four noble truths. I would say I think the causal relationship of 5 and 6 could go in either direction depending on one's approach, but that doesn't really change the fundamental points.

I think the universality of these points among major traditions does indeed suggest something behind them; and that something, at the very least, tells us some important things about being human.

Roger said...

Thanks Karl! I'll check your posts out.

Matt, I think there a lot of interesting ramifications if this is this is a fairly accurate overview of the spiritual current in which we swim.

For instance, the purpose of religion seems to be to help people find the path that leads to liberation, rather than mental ascent to a "moral code" or a religious figure of choice. I think that's what Jesus was doing in the first place.

Ink Flinger said...

I concur. :-)

steve s said...

Perhaps the confusion exists in the thought that "the only true path" is the one people take to get to the "Spirit".

IMO, Christainity is saying that GOD made the path to man. It is God that made the trip... not us.

MaryAnn Mease said... did i miss this post??