Sunday, January 25, 2004

Individualism, the "I" and the "We"

Individualism is devious. It sneaks into our conversations, thoughts and communities so easily. It can be in the blatant self-serving ways we demand our "needs" be met, or it can be subtly hidden in our view of the Church itself. It sneaks into our thoughts as we interpret and apply the Bible to our individual situations, without thinking about how those stories apply to our community or the Body as a whole.

Someone once said, "The Bible knows no individual Christians." The Bible is a book of community. Even when Paul writes to individuals, he is writing the context of that individual's relationship to the larger community. In fact, the whole concept of the Trinity implies community.

It is good for me to remember that while my decision to follow God is as an individual, I am joining those who went before me, and those who will come after me as a follower of Jesus. I immediately join a family of others who choose to call themselves followers of Christ too. My identity is linked to a group of people who have been called, gathered and sent to proclaim, serve and represent God's reign on earth. I become part of a covenant community, a new family, with Jesus as my brother, and Abba as my Father.

Whether I like it or not, as a Christ follower, the decisions I make affect the "we". The decisions my family makes affects the "family of families" of which I choose to be a part. The decisions that our communities make affects the worldwide Church.

So, I am thinking about how my individual Biblical interpretations integrate into the "we". How do my spiritual practices integrate with the "we"? My family decisions.... My financial decision... My choice of vocation....

For instance, our community discussed 1 John 2:20ff. If I believe that God has given me some insight, knowledge, prophecy etc. I need to bring it to the community. Let them hear, it, pray about it, interact with it, test it....

Would love to hear about how your community integrates the "I" into the "we"!

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