Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Why participate in Lent?

My friend George asks some good questions: "Do the things we give up for Lent bring God closer to us? Or is it a thing that makes us feel as though we are closer to Him? I guess my question is what difference does it make?"

Traditionally, Lent is a time to focus deeply on, and relive the death and resurrection of Jesus, as well as my own "death and resurrection," and typically is a time of repentance. Additionally, it is a link to part of our Christian heritage where I can participate in a tradition that precedes me.

On a personal level I participate in "fasting" because Jesus did it, and assumes we will keep doing it (Mat. 6:17). We chose to do this type of fast becuase our whole family could participate in a shared experience. The hunger/craving reminds me that I should hunger for God above all other things. It reminds me that Jesus is the Living Bread.

I don't think God can get any closer to me than he already is, but I can always open my life to him more. I think that's the purpose of any of the disciplines. I discipline my body because it houses my spirit/soul. On a deep level, I can't change myself, but God can, and participating in the disciplines puts me in a place where God can do His work. So, for me, the issue isn't whether I "feel closer" to Him, but if participating in Lent helps me be transformed into Christ-likeness.

Anyone else participating in Lent? Or, have a different point of view?

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