Friday, June 06, 2008

Freedom and/or Paranoia?

Call me crazy (most people do), but I had some real issues with a letter that came home from my daughter's middle school stating that they were going to have random searches involving police dogs while the kids were at there. It really didn't make me happy when my daughter came home and said it was scary. Not only does it bring about visions Nazi POW camps, but they are treating the good kids criminals, which make up the vast majority of the school. I also just don't like the fact that she will have police dogs barking through the halls as a memory of her school experience.

Next, we have all these red light cameras appearing in our town with no warning. I don't like these things in the first place, but they seem to be appearing at EVERY red light in town. Then I read this article today about a town nearby putting up surveillance cameras everywhere even though the town does not have a crime problem!!! These cameras can zoom in from one mile away. The town has NO written policy regarding the cameras which allows them to use them as they see fit.

I may be paranoid, but I have to say that I called this one.

Coming soon, to a town near you....

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” -Ben Franklin (maybe)


MaryAnn Mease said...

so...perhaps it is just Santa Claus makin sure you are being good...

very scary BigBrother indeed!

Kent said...

Roger, you would enjoy Jacques Ellul's book The Ethics of Freedom. His veiw of the nature of power is so eye opening. All Power regardless of it's form is always gravitating towards totalitarian because power by nature will continue to grow until it comes up against a power outside that is more powerful. It will never limit itself.

I came to see conservative ideology and it's mantra of limiting centralised power and giving more to the individual as being a dangerous deception. If Ellul is right about the nature of power (and history seems to prove that he is right) all government is doing in promising us to limit it's self is misleading us. But liberal ideology is certainly no just tells us up front that it will grow and we are to loo to them to take care of us. Neither side is offers an option of freedom.

Roger said...


I agree. It doesn't matter who is in office, power wants to be consolidated and expansive at the same time. "W" promised a lot less gov't in our lives...that one didn't work out even though it is a supposed to be a conservative principle. At this point the "left and right" have become one big spending and freedom taking machine in my opinion.

MaryAnn Mease said...

roger...i was reading a blog today and this post about surveillance cameras came to mind...scary stuff: