Thursday, June 05, 2008

What's your thought?

"Something religious is going on even in scientific work, not in the scientific information itself but in the commitment to the idea that the universe is intelligible and truth is worth seeking. Those are religious convictions. You can't prove scientifically that truth is worth seeking, but it's the conviction that it is worth seeking that underlies all good science. Religion lifts this up and makes it more explicit. It symbolically names that depth, that truth, that meaning, and refers to it in Western theology as God or Allah, or in Eastern thought as Brahman or Tao." - John Haught (Georgetown University)

What is your thought about why we seek truth as species?


Unknown said...

Truth = Freedom

Mama T said...

Rog, I really mulled this over and over again in mind and the best answer I can come up with is whatever is truth to you is truth. If you interview a dozen people, I bet you'd get different answers from each so therefor, there truly is no way to nail down the exact answer to "what is truth."