Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I've been busy lately fixing up the girl's room. We stripped wallpaper that was painted over (Please! NEVER paint over wallpaper!), mudded (?) the walls and ceiling and painted a nice bright yellow color. We ordered some tie dye bedspreads that are really cool, if we ever get them. We are going to get some lava lamps, beads and if they are good a bong. :-)

Also writing papers for school. I am in a Worldview class for the next five weeks. It's some pretty interesting stuff. He quotes some N.T. Wright, so the Prof. can't be all bad. Most of the reading so far is stuff that I've either read before or thought about before: life cycle, adult develpment, what it means to be a "good" person in our culture....

In reading The Search For Meaning I was interested to read that we must come to grips with meaninglessness before we can fully get ahold of the other states of meaning, namely, Separation, Having and Being. Here is the matrix they propose:

Meaninglessness Separation Having Being

Spiritual Despair Detachment Orthodoxy Quest

Intellectual Nihilism Alienation Hedonism Growth

Emotional Depression Anxiety Narcissism Balance

Physiological Death Somatization Health Fetishism Homeostasis

Oh, well. I can't get it to format right. You can figure it out..... your edumacated, right? More later....

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