Thursday, November 20, 2003

My Friend Blue

(Trish) A long time ago in a land far away... Nope just kidding! I have this incredible friend named Blue. We met in the height of puberty and found a sort of common place together. I don’t know that we would have survived certain things with out each other. We were supposed to be friends. She has loved me at times when others rejected me. We have watched each other go through terrible, ugly things. You know the things that Satan takes you to that are so far beyond who you are that you can barely look at yourself in the mirror because of how low you’ve stooped. We have cried and laughed and a slew of other things together. And she was one who first told me about Jesus and back then I was like, right! This guy from the past loves me?? No way.. We drifted a couple of times and when we got back together, it was like we were never apart.

After 20 some odd years, we are an answer to many prayers! Her parents along with Rob Graham and a bunch of other people used to pray for us! Wow! Now, we are both on the same page. We both love Jesus and kingdom living. We are both in loving marriages. And we still love each other all that much more. Isn’t God just absolutely amazing?? To bring two losers back from the dead??

Thank you Jesus for my best friend and Sister.
Love you Blue. Thank you for loving me.

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