Saturday, November 08, 2003

Pain in the...
I have been dealing with lower back pain for about 2 months now. I went through a dose of muscle relaxers that didn't help. I went back to the Dr. the other day and she prescribed different muscle relaxers and physical therapy. I HATE the way these things make me feel! I feel like a grouchy zombie! I am short tempered, tired and mean.

On another note...

We had a good group last night. We talked about the "thin places" in our lives when God is very present. We continue to share at deeper, more personal levels. We are reading Killian Noe's "Finding Our Way Home" and talking about prayer. She reminded us that centering prayer is born out of our desire for God. I desire God very much, but sometimes I don't do the spiritual disciplines that will open my life to Him. It's like the drug addict saying "I really don't like using drugs" and then putting another needle in his arm. Killian Noe says that we have to move from the "general to the specific." It is not enough to want to be a Kingdom-person, we have to commit to practices that will help us be a Kingdom-person.

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