Tuesday, October 28, 2003


(Trish) Abbie has wanted a dog since she was born! The kid loves dogs. Well, I am not a dog person, but because I love my Abbie, we’ve done the dog thing a couple of times and have had no success. Well, my little Veterinarian has softened my heart and a few weeks ago Rog and I started looking.. I knew I didn’t want a puppy.. Poop, training.. No thanks! I’ve had 3 babies and I don’t want another.. So, this one day we were driving through Edwardsville and we decided to stop at the animal shelter. No puppies were to be had! Hurray! So we looked at the dogs. There she was. A beautiful, 30 LB, Heinz 57.. Brenden approached her kennel and she nuzzled up next to him. No jumping, no barking. Love just streamed from her eyes. We needed to think about this but neither of us could stop thinking of her. So, we decided to go get her the next day.. We told the kids we were going on an adventure and blind folded them right before we got there. Hannah took hers off because she can’t miss a thing! But, Abbie kept hers on. We took them in and the clerk brought her to us and we took off the blind fold and there she was... Maggie.. Abbie fell in love. We all did. Rog got this all on tape too which is too cool! Any way, Maggie has been with us for about 3 weeks and she is an angel. Breath of God.. Finally a good dog that fits with our family.. My mind is changing about dogs. Thank you Lord for blessing us with our Maggamuffin!

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