Tuesday, October 14, 2003

These are some of Trish's thoughts today:

In our recent conversations bout church, community and fellowship, I struggle with why it is so important to “love” your job. I mean, yeah, it would be nice to have a place you go every day that is pleasant and comfortable, but in the end, what we do is not as important as how we’ve served and communed. If you work for 7-11 and minister there and at home, what difference does it make? Why do we pressure ourselves to have high power jobs with high power responsibility and have it offer nothing, in reality, back to your community?? No, I have decided that where I work is good because I have the privilege every single day to allow Jesus to shine through me and to love and commune with people in my community.. I don’t ever want to work for a Weyerhaeuser Mortgage company again where I sit behind a desk and don’t get to touch someone or look them in the eye... Back on track here, having a job should be about supporting your family & your community, not about being able to buy a boat or a huge house with empty rooms. No, I’d rather have an 80 year old house that’s cozy and that we can make our own. I’d rather come home and leave my job at my job. I’d rather, if I had to, flip hamburgers and give them to someone than sit behind a desk wasting into nothingness. Having a job is about even exchange. I work for you so you can pay me to feed and cloth my family.. I believe this is how our parents and grandparents were able to work at the same job for 30 years, because they understood what it was really about.. Go to work so you can eat, be clothed and enjoy your family. We have complicated it. We have made it this big because we covet what our neighbors have. We have lost the dream of simple survival. Now to me, the church is no better. We desire bigger buildings, bigger programs, bigger tithes and bigger responsibilities. I watch our Pastor and the guy never stops working.. Ever! He works more than most CEO’S. Day and night. How can he possibly commune with God and his family in an effective way? Not only that, does he have any intimate relationships? Is this healthy for our church body to see him never stop? How can he preach for us to slow down when he doesn’t?? We have created a huge problem in the church. We’ve lost sight of the goal. And the goal is to preach the good news! Simple survival.

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