Wednesday, October 29, 2003

The right questions...

I'm a firm believer in trying to ask the right questions. I'm still wrestling with some Kingdom questions. Quite some time ago I had the pleasure of listening to Todd Hunter dissect Mark 1:14-15 about the reign and rule of Jesus similar to his notes here. So the implications are that there is a cosmic battle going on between good and evil and Christ is assaulting Satan's kingdom by proclaiming and demonstrating His Kingdom by healing, preaching and discipling in the rest of Mark. I'm down with that.

Here's where I struggle: A teenager in our community tragically died in a car wreck this past weekend. The teens are tore up and asking "why?". I'm not sure there is an answer. Should we as Christ-followers have an answer?

If sickness and death were not God's original plan for creation and Jesus came to undo the damage that Satan had done, do I as a Christ-follwer blame this on Satan? Is every screwed-up thing that happens in this world caused by Satan? Should we just look at these things as counterattacks from the Enemy?

What about the story of Job? God cut Satan free to do his thing on Job. Satan did the work, but it had God's stamp of approval. I have experienced times of terrible darkness, that looking back, I believe may have been caused by God to humble me, build character and cause me to rely solely on Him. Surely I can't look at this teenagers death through that paradigm and say "It was just God's will." This would portray God as uncaring and cruel.

Would love to hear what you think....

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